Lucienne Shanti Di Tempora

We interview Melbourne based yoga and meditation teacher Lucienne Shanti Di Tempora, to discuss the art of meditation, designer brands and relocating to Paris.

You started yoga when you were 8 and continued through high school. How did this have an impact on you growing up?

Yoga made me see and appreciate my body for what it could do, rather than what it looked like. It helped me to shift my attention from the aesthetic of my body to the ability of my body. This was so impactful for me because growing up I was endlessly teased and bullied about my body, because I developed shape at a very young age, getting my period at 9 years old. I didn’t fit into the norm at the time and that was cause to tease. Yoga was a place where I felt comfortable and confident and continues to be. 

Your classes are beautiful and completely encompassing. Where did you complete yoga teacher training?

I completed my training in 2012 at a small studio near where I was living at that time and to be honest, chose that studio simply due to its proximity to me. There wasn’t much option back then but the studio, Moksha Yoga Academy, was incredibly comprehensive and I am incredibly grateful. I spent a year doing my training there. Moksha was also my first yoga teaching job too - I was offered a position when I completed the course. Since then I have trained with many inspiring teachers around the world, all of whom influence and inspire my classes today.

lifestyle marketing agency yoga image
lifestyle marketing agency yoga studio

How have your studies in drama influenced your teaching?

I think the biggest takeaway from my theatre training was learning how to use my voice; not only the tonality of the voice but also letting what you say land and giving an equal amount of space for not speaking as you do speaking. This allows students to inject their own experience into the practice. I try to give just enough support to students so they feel empowered to also listen /teach themselves. Another thing learned from my years of acting was trust - trusting that you’ve done the work and then letting it all go and allowing the class to be a living thing of its own. For me, that means making a loose plan but also being okay with going in a totally different direction to that plan, if the moment requires it.

You run, do weights training, MMA, vinyasa and yin yoga. How do you balance everything in one week?

Too much flexibility and you become unstable, too much strength and you become ridged. I couple my yoga practice with lots of different activities, always open to trying something new so that I can keep my body not only malleable but also capable and strong. I don’t have a strict weekly structure, I simply do what I feel I need on that day. My only goal when it comes to “fitness” is to maintain and sustain the health of my body and mind. Sometimes that means throwing around weights at the gym, sometimes it’s quiet yin time and sometimes it’s eating chips in bed while watching Netflix. 

What role does meditation play in your life?

Meditation plays a ginormous role in my life, it influences most, if not everything I do. Between teaching and practising, I’m studying it and then infusing it into my life. People often have this idea that meditation will “relax you” or make things “better” but that’s just not the case. Meditation, along with many other things, helps us to see life more clearly and because of that clarity, we can then work with and collaborate with life more authentically and intelligently which leads to relaxation as a byproduct because we have learned to handle things more skillfully and calmly. I could go on and on and on, but instead, I’d love to direct you to an article I wrote all about the Benefits of Meditation.

I love meditation, but never swap it out for my exercise. I attempt it at night, but always fall asleep. What advice do you have to maintaining a regular meditation practice?

Firstly, I’d suggest you attempt a short morning practice 4-5 times a week and just 20 minutes - a modest request! And keep your eyes open! Sounds crazy, I know, but that is actually the traditional way to practice Mindfulness Meditation, with the eyes open. There are many reasons but one is so that you won’t be tempted to fall asleep, or daydream. Eyes open also places you in the present moment which is where you want to cultivate mindfulness, so you can use it in your day rather than in your dreams, which is usually where you go when you close your eyes.

Dedicating a time and place to practice in, like you do with your yoga, pilates and walking, will give you the most fulfilling and beneficial experience of meditation. Like exercise gives you access to energy and strength in your day, meditation will give you access to skilful responsiveness and clarity in your day. 

And I think the best way to maintain your practice is to understand it. This is why I always emphasise the what/how/why of meditation when I teach.

What challenges have you faced as a yoga/meditation teacher?

The biggest challenge has been debunking so many misconceptions surrounding meditation. It’s really no big deal and it’s boring and uncomfortable and really shit at times too, but all of that is actually part of the practice of meditation. Once we know and accept all that, the practice becomes much more accessible. 

Where can we practice with you?

During the first lockdown, I started an Instagram virtual studio and it turned out to be the best thing I’ve ever done! Fast forward over a year and I’m still running it. The handle is @luciennelive and you can purchase a pass at All are welcome.

You always look incredible. What brands do you wear on and off the mat?

I’ll be honest, I love my Prada bags, Ganni boots, Balenciaga sneakers, Gucci slides, Af Agger and Friends with Frank coats, however, everything designer that I own and buy is second hand and sourced from places like Vesteire, Depop and Facebook resale groups. And I always make sure that whenever I buy something, I give something away, or sell or donate so that I keep my wardrobe very minimal. I actually weighted all my clothes recently and it’s less than 30kg! I am currently trying to fit my life into one suitcase as I prepare for my move to Paris and I’m very very confident that it will all fit thanks to keeping my wardrobe luxe, but small!

You might be moving to France! How exciting. Will you teach there?

YES! Never did I think I’d end up living in Paris, but that’s were my partner is and since it’s impossible for him to get back into Australia at the moment, I will go live with him and we will come back together when it’s possible to do so. I will definitely continue to teach online but not sure beyond that. I am trying to remain as open as possible and not plan too much before I leave which pains the double Virgo in me who just wants to organise everything yesterday! 

Kate Forrester

kafandco is a marketing agency that helps fashion, lifestyle and consumer brands elevate and optimise to drive revenue. We do this through strategic marketing, public relations and creative services aligned to your brand’s aesthetic and customer.



Creature Yoga